
90th birthday celebration

The family of Julius Abramovitz will be celebrating his 90th birthday with an open house from 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 18 at the Pierce City Senior Center. Refreshments will be served. No gifts are requested but cards would be appreciated. If you are unable to attend, cards can be sent to Julius Abramovitz c/o Cheryl Cox, 3465 Lawrence 2220, Pierce City, 65723.
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What to know about prediabetes

Most seniors recognize that routine visits to their physicians are an important component of preventive health care. Annual physicals are important for everyone, but they’re especially important for individuals 65 and older who may be more vulnerable to disease and various other health conditions than younger adults.
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What to know about diet and exercise

Metro Creative Connection Exercise is just as beneficial for older adults as it is for children and young adults. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, engaging in regular physical activity is among the most important steps older adults can take as they seek to safeguard their overall health.
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How caregivers can alleviate stress

Serving as a caregiver for a friend or loved one can be both rewarding and taxing at the same time. The senior housing authority A Place for Mom indicates that 41 million Americans offer unpaid caregiving services, and that number is expected to increase as the aging population grows in the coming decades. Formal caregivers are paid care providers in a home or care setting. However, an informal caregiver is an unpaid individual that assists others with activities of daily living as well as medical tasks.
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