
Yesy Perez: First-generation students

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) opened on Oct. 1, 2022. Anyone interested in attending college or technical school should complete this application to receive available aid through grants and student loans. A few other eligibility guidelines include citizenship and financial need. Many opportunities are available for anyone who wants to continue with his/her education. Unfortunately, this information does not always reach everyone. First-generation students are among those who miss educational opportunities, because no other family member traveled the higher education journey. They do not know how to offer advice.
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Donna Beckett: Lookout! Fraud is coming your way

It’s me again! Little did I know that Kyle was going to post a picture of me and supply my email to my opinion column! Luckily, I didn’t get any threats. And, I forgot one small thing, SOCIAL MEDIA, since I am not old enough to be on it! My sister, Diane, informed me that my article had been posted on Facebook, so since it was posted, she said she had the right to post it also.
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Melonie Roberts: Not having to look far to see the good

For the first time in three years, I had the opportunity to take a few days of vacation, and my companion and I decided to take off to the Great Lakes to catch a glimpse of a few lighthouses along the north shore of Lake Superior. As most people know, I have a fascination with lighthouses, beaches, boats, seashells, dolphins and almost anything nautically related. And, as everyone knows, most of those things are not conveniently located to southwest Missouri, so you have to plan. What the Great Lakes lack in dolphins and seashells, they more than make up for in lighthouses. There are more than 56 lighthouses along the Lake Superior Circle Tour, but I limited my list to six.
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